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Starting Your Own Charity

Updated: Mar 5, 2023

Below is a short article touching on examples starting a non-profit as well as both a link to a Shopify Blog on US non-profit start-up requirements as well a a link to a Charity Central handbook on required steps in Canada.

- RetirementGoat

Start a Non-Profit to Serve a Need

Many retirees want to give back. This can take many forms and address a variety of needs from chronic illnesses, social justice, inequality and a variety of issues both close and far from home. This article from Kiplinger touches on some approaches and a couple of real-life examples. Many of the non-profits started in retirement can be smaller in scale and look to address local environmental or other issues. However, it is important to ensure that you explore legal requirements so you do not incur personal liability while attempting to do good.

- RetirementGoat

US Non-Profit Essentials from Shopify

Canadian Non-Profit Essentials from Charity Central



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